
The Notorious 03 to 06 GM Instrument clusters seen in all truck and suburban variations and more.  We professional rebuild your cluster from top to bottom.  All new Stepper motors, all new lighting, and rebuild the power supply and correct problems with your parking indicator.     All for $120.00   




LED Upgrades and or Color Changes are a awesome way to improve the look inside your vehicle.  We have Blue, Red, Green, Orange, Pink, Yellow and can get whatever you would like.  Most cluster models

Just $85.00!!


Ford 6.0 Fuel Injector Control Module (FICM)  We rebuild these to better than new.  If you buy a new one then you only get as good as they gave you the first time.  Our rebuilds wont give the same problems again.   And did I mention SAME DAY SERVICE!!  at $135.00



GM ABS modules (Kelsey Hanes)  We rebuild these to better than new.  If you buy a new one then you only get as good as they gave you the first time.  Our rebuilds wont give the same problems again.   And did I mention SAME DAY SERVICE!!  at $150.00




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2005 Ford Mustang Cluster rebuild. This includes all stepper motors upgraded to new and improved models!  Only $120.00

Nissan Quest LCD repair  This will repair the lcd to where you can once again see your Temperature, gas and odometer display   Only $120.00



Corvette Climate controls Dim or absent display repaired  Only $110.00



07 and up GM Truck and SUV Odometer and PRNDL display dim or out.  Repaired for only $110.00!!!